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  • Bravo 6M dvojč. s manometrem

Ruční pumpa Bravo 6 L s manometrem

The BRAVO 6 M comes with an installed pressure gauge.  The dial gauge mounted on the handle is easy to read  and registers up to 14.7 psi.  Now we have a pump that lets you read and also check tube pressure all in one.  It is also a double action pump for fast inflation o...
Availability In stock
Doporučená MOC: 1 050 CZK
980 CZK
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Detailed description

Producer Scoprega
Product No. 12000003

The BRAVO 6 M comes with an installed pressure gauge.  The dial gauge mounted on the handle is easy to read  and registers up to 14.7 psi.  Now we have a pump that lets you read and also check tube pressure all in one.  It is also a double action pump for fast inflation or remove the plug and it is a single action pump for more pressure.  Light, tough, and easy to pack and carry.  The BRAVO 6M comes with the hose and adaptors.

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